estab Wanted Upper L With Bow In His Hair

estab Wanted Upper L With Bow In His Hair
MOST Tooled 2 Trounce TRUMP Lower R

Thursday, May 13, 2010

US of America About That Health Care

The pre-Obamacare U.S. health care system, or actually just a small part of it, has been problematic. Most aspects of life pose problems, and there have been many much more drastic challenges that Americans have tackled and resolved. One of those that comes to mind was the War Between the States. We lost over 700,000 Americans before that was over and the US was almost rent asunder by the strife. Did Lincoln panic?
Would Project Anaconda have "snaked so much trade off the Confederacy that it would have crawled back into the Union begging? Perhaps...perhaps not. During the War, that great attempt by the American Navy to shut down all Confederate trade with Great Britain did work, somewhat. We will never know if measures like the blockade would have worked. Hindsight may be called 20/20 vision but who can rightly say what might have transpired? Likewise, many, many people say Obamacare is a radical over-reaction and overkill seen as far too problematic, even risky. To be sure it is reckless to toy with 1/6th of the US economy during a recession. YES, high unemployment, high debt, and declining business MEANS RECESSION.

Few Americans concur with the president that this US Health care System if likened to a patient, is DYING and requires kill or cure rapid action. A thoughtful and articulate statesman, a senator, noted that 85% of Americans are happy with their company and private health care. Why, said he, should we risk destroying the insurance and medical profession because 15% cannot or choose not to be covered. No one has even mentioned that AUTOMOBILE and TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE covers MOST of Americans when not safely at home. Workman's Comp supposedly a federal mandate, further protects US when we are at work. If we get laid up and cannot work, we get Medicaide which all workers pay for on our checks automatically.

We have all seen Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi declare to the world on television news words to the effect that "We need to pass Obamacare just to see what it is!" This is like saying we need to amputate Pelosi's head to see if there is a brain inside her skull! We all know that medically we can examine Pelosi's head by "reading" x-rays, cat scans, and other means. Why in the Name of Heaven would we pass a law "to see what it is" when those VOTING ON IT supposedly are READING IT?

Who died and made Nancy Pelosi our Clarvoyance Czar In Charge of Protracted Prognostication and Risky Experimantation?

Hopefully NOT Late Great US of America

The United States' Constitution has not been upheld of late. It seems that a United States Supreme Court with four liberals and some moderates and a conservative Constitutionalist or two has not been sufficient to make known the will of the people. SCOTUS Judge Roberts who was recently offended at President Barack Hussein Obama's 2010 State of the Union Address, has not been able to sway his peers. Judge Ginsberg, for one, appears to have the hide of a rino when disrespect of the Court comes her way as if to say,"Obama, you're not talking about ME, I do everything the left wants. Property rights, smoperty rights...the greater good is getting a nice tax base from a big slab of land NOT the pittance of taxes from 27 home owners getting displaced!" Most of thought Ruth Bader Ginsberg sat there like "Whistler's Mother" in the famous painting, expressionless despite the "slings and arrows" of an indignant POTUS flinging accusations at the heretofor much respected by previous presidents...Supreme Court of These United States. No judge should have to sit there like a painter's mother when disrespected in such a manner. The protocol, yes, the dignity of the high office, calls for the judges to not applaud, stand, cheer, or boo. Previously, presidents had the culture and dignity to make negative comments about court decrees. Surely, if there is loathing of the Conservatives on the Court, there should be fear of angering them unnecessarily. Not Obama. Perhaps he knew that he was about to make another appointment that would squelch oppositional thinking. Perhaps Obama is too sure of himself. Some might say full of himself.